The International Energy Agency (IEA) has produced a non-binding roadmap on the System Integration of Renewables for Moldova as part of the EU4Energy programme, an initiative funded by the European Union. The central purpose of this document is to provide a vision for policymakers at all levels towards a clean and secure electricity system in Moldova, providing actionable items towards this vision in three steps, as well as outlining the economic, environmental and social benefits it could deliver. This document also serves to support further development of the national renewable energy strategy.

A webinar was held on March 15, 2022 to launch this report and discuss how renewable energy can help ensure energy security in Moldova, and what needs to be done to accelerate its deployment.

The webinar video can be accessed here

The presentation by Craig Hart, Energy Analyst, Renewable Integration and Secure Electricity Unit at IEA can be downloaded here

The complete roadmap report can be read here