The last decade has proven that clean energy can power American homes, businesses and industry, and has put America on the cusp of a dramatic shift away from polluting energy sources. With renewable energy prices falling and new energy-saving technologies being developed every day, businesses, cities, states, and the nation should work to obtain 100% of our energy from clean, renewable sources. The last decade has seen explosive growth in the key technologies needed to power America with clean, renewable energy.

The report “Renewables on the Rise 2021: The rapid growth of renewables, electric vehicles and other building blocks of a clean energy future” was prepared by Sarah Nick and Tony Dutzik, Frontier Group and Emma Searson, Environment America Research & Policy Center. It addresses two key themes:

  • Dramatic growth of renewable energy and clean energy technologies in the United States (including a number of statistics)
  • Opinions as to the work needed to expand renewable energy and clean energy technologies

Download the report here