The Energizing Finance research series consists of in-depth primary research and analysis by Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) and partners that examines supply and demand for finance across two key areas of energy access: electricity and clean cooking. The documents “Energizing Finance: Taking the Pulse 2021 Ghana Policy Brief” and by “Energizing Finance: Taking the Pulse 2021 Mozambique Policy Brief” SE4ALL and Dalberg estimate the finance needs of enterprises and consumers to reach universal energy access by 2030 in Ghana and Mozambique respectively.

Taking the Pulse shines a light on both the volume and type of capital – debt, equity, grants and affordability gap financing – challenges to achieving universal access and recommendations on actions required to achieve SDG7. These Policy Briefs are based on Taking the Pulse analysis for Ghana and Mozambique.

Download the briefs here: Ghana and Mozambique