While Africa’s weight in global energy dynamics is increasing sharply, the IEA has been strengthening its ties to and engagement with the continent for several years, with analyses, policy advice and implementation of on-the-ground projects. The IEA is deploying a capacity reinforcement programme for African energy experts and professionals. “An Affordable and Sustainable Energy System for Sub-Saharan Africa” is a 4-year programme funded by the European Union to support 10 Sub-Saharan African countries for enhancing their energy data management and long-term energy planning capacities.

To maximise the value and long-term payoff of training sessions organized under the programme, the IEA is proposing to a community of African experts regular webinars to share analyses on energy. One of the recent webinars by IEA Africa University was on “Electricity and gas markets in Africa”.

The presentation can be accessed here

The video can be viewed here