The report “Studies Agree 80 Percent Clean Electricity By 2030 Would Save Lives and Create Jobs At Minimal Cost” has been prepared by Dan Esposito, Senior Policy Analyst, Energy Innovation. This report highlights key findings from a meta-analysis of 11 studies released since 2020 and led by researchers at prominent universities, think tanks, nonprofits, and energy consultancies. All 11 studies model clean energy policy packages and converge on the immense benefits and feasibility of achieving approximately 80 percent clean electricity by 2030 in the United States.

It is intended to help policymakers understand the benefits of a federal budgetary package that includes a Clean Energy Payment Program. This reliable clean energy future would generate up to 1 million net new jobs through 2030 and up to 317,000 avoided premature deaths through 2050.

The complete report can be downloaded here