The paper “Advice for States on 100% Clean Energy Planning Part One: The Process for Producing a Plan” was prepared by Warren Leon of Clean Energy States Alliance. To successfully achieve a 100% clean energy goal, a state will need to develop and implement a sound plan of action. This paper, Part One of a two-part series, provides advice for states on the planning process, the organization of a plan, and the presentation of results. With concrete suggestions and examples from states across the country, it covers how to create an inclusive planning process, how to address equity in a decarbonization plan, and how to design and present 100% clean energy plans.

The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) has developed this paper based on an examination of the planning processes different states have used and the plans they have produced. It also has insights shared by state participants in the 100% Clean Energy Collaborative. The advice in this paper can be useful to states at all stages of the 100% clean energy journey, whether they are currently focused on plan implementation, are working on modifying a plan, are developing a plan for the first time, or are considering whether to adopt a 100% clean energy goal.

Download the paper here